Exciting changes in store for the Chicago Windows Users Group!
There are some exciting changes in store for the Chicago Windows User Group. Here are the cliff notes.
1. We have a new way to collaborate http://cwug.groups.live.com sign up today.
2. We are changing the meeting formats.
3. Introducing Birds of a Feather sessions.
Read the rest for all the juicy details.
Starting this July, we’re going to go all in by connecting participants based upon Windows Live IDs. This enables a lot more collaboration and networking even outside of our in person meetings. To sign up for the new Windows Live Group site please visit http://cwug.groups.live.com This is a continuation of our facebook, portal, web presence, live mesh and twitter sites. Think of this new site, and the main repository of CWUG information. 24X7 collaboration opportunities. Those who collab more will be rewarded ;)
CWUG Live Mesh with boot from VHD instructions: email drey@microsoft.com
The other big change is with our meetings. We are changing our format based on feedback from our members, sponsors and board. Starting this month we will have 2 types of meetings. The first is a consumer broad interest meeting which will be focused Windows in the home or hobbyist. The second is a meeting focused on enterprise customers. This meeting will be focused on business customers who run Windows as their desktop and server OS. Our schedule will be as follows :
Consumer Space meetings will be held on odd months in Downers Grove.
Our Enterprise meetings will be held on even months at the Chicago Microsoft Technology Center.
We would like to be clear, anyone is welcome to attend any meeting based on interests. In fact, we feel that we will be able to offer something for everyone no matter what your role or purpose with Windows is. We will also be branching off and eventually holding/hosting consumer meetings downtown and enterprise meetings in Downers Grove. Let us work out the kinks in this new system before we do that.
We will also offer 2 birds of a feather meeting slots at each meeting. What is a birds of a feather (BOF) session? BOF is where a member or partner will host a side meeting during our regular meetings. You can sign up for these on first come first serve basis. You want to geek out and talk about clusters, PKI, Home Automation or what ever else you want to collaborate with some of the brightest minds around? Well that is what a birds of a feather session is. You own it, you drive attendance, you do everything but we set up the location for you. Birds of a feather session can be presentation, discussion, meditation; we do not care, just make it cool and try to drive value for your self and the rest of the community. Email Robert Nottoli (robnotto@microsoft.com) to sign up or additional information. These will be rated and published!
Here are our next 2 meetings and third quarter volunteer/non profit/fund raising opportunity:
July 16th
Consumer Focused: 3025 Highland Ave, Suite 300, Downers Grove Il
5:00 to 6:00 Food Networking
6::00 to 7:15 Home Automation using Windows technologies.
7:30 to 8:45 Windows Live portfolio of Software as Service
8:45 to 9:00 Wrap Up
We will also have a Ford Sync on hand to demonstrate this cool Windows technology.
CWUG will also be raffling away a Starter Home Automation Kit.
Birds of a Feather meeting #1: Open
Birds of a Feather meeting #2: Open
August 20th
Enterprise Focused: 200 West Randolph Suite 200, Chicago
12:30 to 1:30 Lunch – bring your own. We will supply beverages and cookies
1:30 to 2:45 Power Shell 2.0 for technology users
3:00 to 4:15 Windows 7 deep dive for technology professionals-How to get ready and deploy Windows 7 for business users
4:15 to 4:30 wrap up
Saturday August 1st
We are inviting CWUG members, family and friends for the 2nd annual Team Microsoft CowaLUNGa Bike Tour
In closing it is an exciting time to come out and become a part of the Chicago Windows User Group again, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 are shipping and we are stepping up our community effort to better serve our members and community. There are also a ton of opportunities to help the user group and community out, contact Robert Nottoli (robnotto@microsoft.com) if you have any ideas or you would like to get involved.