Exiting the bus at Cheyney University in Center City PA, we were greeted by an exuberant crowd of people (Wow! Are we rockstars?! I think so… certification rock stars I tell ya!)
Unfortunately the photos I got of the greeting process, were terrible so you won’t be seeing those! But do not let that dishearten you from the rest of the experience!
Upon arriving upstairs we were greeted with tables of information, turn tables, and chair swag!
Let me tell you, they had some absolutely amazing art work on site there, which was donated to them. Absolutely beautiful and absolutely stunning, piece after piece.

So, while most of my photos turned into blurry mobs, I did get some great video footage which I’ll need to edit together (soon?!) so look forward to that over the next coming days.
Cheyney University was (whoa!) founded in 1837, and is one of the oldest colleges and universities in America. The folks I had the opportunity to meet here are doing some great things, trying to help get certified and educate in general people who are looking for improvement. In addition, they have opportunities available to people out of work or in a number of other scenarios. I had the opportunity to talk with Kyle, Jillian and Tim Bryant who is the CEO of Knowledge Solutions International, and let me tell you, their drive and passionate in working with Cheyney operating as an IT Academy as well as other community efforts is great from my perspective.
It’s one thing to say, that it is good to see opportunities like this being available in a down economy, but I wouldn’t even stop there, as opportunities like this existing period are just one of the reasons I find this particular focus of technology to be so absolutely exciting.
This is one of those things you honestly would never be aware of if you weren’t out here on the bus, visiting people of all types and of all backgrounds. Whether a secured and regimented military base in southern Georgia, or the inner city of Philadelphia, the mission is the same: To educate, to make yourself more relevant, to secure a future for yourself.
The future is in your hands, regardless of background there are opportunities waiting for you to leap upon them, I’ll keep watching and seeing more and more of this as these absolutely life altering days pass, and I’ll be loving every minute of it! This is the future, rock on or rock out!
(Oh, look at that.. when we got back to the bus, look who was rocking on their future!)