Welcome to the Future! Strangely the future hasn’t ever felt so much like “Now” than ever before. If you haven’t been following all of the chatter leading up to these major announcements we’re on the threshhold of these major breaking points like never before.
The Data center has spoken and it’s answer is True unification.
Cisco has had this same story with their Switch line and with the purely unified solution with the Nexus line and the future of FCoE. This is not just another story of “Let’s produce another server” which is akin to the type of “battles” you tend to see occur between Dell, HP and IBM. No this is something much more and much bigger. So, while this definitely is an introduction of Blade Servers, this is more than just “another blade”. This is an entirely new way to think about, to manage and to interoperate within your datacenter.
If you haven’t seen some of the snippets of the new blades coming, here are a few pictures.
This is more than just pretty pictures. Never before have we had such a consolidated solution to a Network Fabric akin to the consolidated SAN solutions which NetApp has Pioneered and still stands unopposed in delivering. Add to that the pure play with VMware and other virtualization and what we have here is a marriage of Servers with the Networks and the Storage; what you end up with an end-to-end virtualization and delivery solution which will comprehensively change the way the datacenter operates.
So, what does this mean for the future? The landscape has gotten a bit wider and narrower at the same time. Everyone will have their toe dipped in this pool, or wanting to be a part of it, but those who will stand strong are the ones who speak to this same story of Unity. Doing more with less (Less Operating Systems, Less Platforms, Less Management required)
Even with the Cloud looming over our heads, the Datacenter isn’t getting any smaller, it is simply getting better at doing what it’s supposed to do. Either you become better with it, or start working on that resume.
If a cloud falls from the sky and it is in pre-release tech preview, will anyone notice?
Apparently, the answer is a resounding Yes.
(Repost from Microsoft Cloud has an Azureism)
This past weekend, the Microsoft Cloud Computing Platform “Windows Azure” appeared to have gotten caught up in the currents of a storm. And like many storms, it’s not understood what happened, why it was down and after 22 hours was able to be recovered from. Not exactly the feeling that many within the Cloud community are feeling as a great success, though in Microsoft’s defense – they are in Pre-Tech Preview, and while there is no worse time for something like this to happen; it is equally no better time as it’s not a fully released “product” yet.
Fortunately during this situation there was complete transparency of what was going on communicated by Steve Marx.
This is a very sore point for Microsofties with the MIX conference this week, but nonetheless this is indicative of past Microsoft Performance, so it is not as if it brings any shock or feelings of strangeness. For anyone with a history of solid Microsoft Performance, it tends to involve pretty severe hiccups before settling into a hearty solid nesting period where it’s hard to penetrate or get an upper hand on it.
For those not familiar with the Microsoft Azure Services Platform, here is a breakdown:
Other links on this subject:
Thanks to our friends at Windows 7 Center for this post
I’ll break it down for you!
Windows 7 RC2 scheduled for May 2009 release.
Windows 7 “scheduled” RTM/Release looks like November of 2009 (Whoa!?!)
Office 14 RTM is looking like March 2010 (Which means Exchange should be in alignment with that)
Here’s a consolidated list of a number of the resources I regularly put up here, so you can find them easier!
5 Free Virtualization Training Courses for the Holidays! (HyperV)
I’m not sure how long this is going to last, so I highly encourage you to sign up, get your class registered in and taken!
This course is highly recommended and valuable!
How much does Free Microsoft Learning Cost? (Hint: Free!)
A whole series of Free E-Learning which used to cost a substantial amount of monies, but is Freeeee! Thanks Microsoft! :)
Sign up for the Microsoft Press Book Connection Newsletter now
Just go there, sign up and monthly you’ll receive an email which has the latest free E-books from the MS Press Team! Caveat: the books are typically only available for 5-7 days at a time – so you should act as soon as you get the emails!
Microsoft Elevates America with Social Responsibility
More Free Training at the High and Low level, in addition to some kinds of assistance for furthering education!
Every wanted to try out a product you’ve never installed, or even downloaded. Or you want to learn a new application, or even Programming language. The Microsoft Virtual Labs are the perfect solution there. They include not only immediately available applications for you to test in a real lab environment, but they also have ‘training labs’ so you can go through an educational process in order to learn the material. The best part is, you’re not bound by the material either – So if you want to think outside the box of training you can, but if you’re not sure what to learn they provide guidance there!
We’re still waiting for the launch of more Beta Certification exams and other/more free stuff, but definitely take advantage of the resources above as they’re infinitely useful!