I’m a particular fan of efficiency and all the joys brought upon by it. Some particular areas of Efficiency interest have been in good light which is not only bright, low cost for power and healthy vs SAD, it’s also good at maintaining attention and awareness. I’ll actually do my whole writeup on 6500K and why it rocks the house at some point in the future, but for now.. let us discuss… POWER!
Someone recently informed me of this little trinket, very powerful and cool indeed and I’m sure will greatly benefit any household. – Kill A Watt!
The Kill-A-Watt allows you to connect your appliances and assess how efficient they are. A large LCD display counts consumption by the Kilowatt-hour, just like utility companies. You can figure out your electrical expenses by the hour, day, week, month, even an entire year. Monitor the quality of your power by displaying Voltage, Line Frequency, and Power Factor.
This thing is so absolutely cool, I’m ordering one rightnow as I write this! I’m sure the uses will be endless.. though for the moment, I’ll start with one, and decide if I’ll have a need to try to implement more into the household. This will certainly help in any event you have interest in trending or forecasting whether some particular appliances are useful or completely useless and are eating you out of house and home!
I’ll let you know how I feel about it after I use it for a while!
Christopher Kusek