NetApp NSM – SAN v NAS creation differences

For those of you who manage filers via FilerView or the Command Line, you’ll find this interesting (I swear, I promise you will! :))

The following is what happens when you create a volume using the NSM and choose NAS


Language on volume nsm_nas changed to en_US
(This is the what gets set – The rest below are the values set)

(snap reserve)
Volume nsm_nas: current snapshot reserve is 20% or 4096 k-bytes.

(snap sched)
Volume nsm_nas: 0 2 6@8,12,14,16,20

(snap autodelete)
snapshot autodelete settings for nsm_nas:
state : off
commitment : try
trigger : volume
target_free_space : 20%
delete_order : oldest_first
defer_delete : user_created
prefix : (not specified)
destroy_list : none

(vol autosize)
Volume autosize is currently OFF for volume ‘nsm_nas’.

(vol options)
nosnap=off, nosnapdir=off, minra=off, no_atime_update=off, nvfail=off,
ignore_inconsistent=off, snapmirrored=off, create_ucode=on,
convert_ucode=on, maxdirsize=62914, schedsnapname=ordinal,
fs_size_fixed=off, compression=off, guarantee=volume, svo_enable=off,
svo_checksum=off, svo_allow_rman=off, svo_reject_errors=off,
no_i2p=off, fractional_reserve=100, extent=off, try_first=volume_grow,
read_realloc=off, snapshot_clone_dependency=off

This is the same you’d expect as when creating via the CLI or using FilerView!

Now, this is what happens when you do the same actions, but choose SAN


Language on volume nsm_san changed to en_US
Security style for /vol/nsm_san/ changed from ntfs to unix
The space management policy for vol nsm_san has changed: autosize state enabled.
The space management policy for vol nsm_san has changed: autodel state enabled.

(I did edit the words above to fit, but you get the point :) – here are the results)

(snap reserve)
Volume nsm_san: current snapshot reserve is 0% or 0 k-bytes. (Down from 20%)

(snap sched)
Volume nsm_san: 0 2 6@8,12,14,16,20  (Didn’t change)

(snap autodelete)
snapshot autodelete settings for nsm_san:
state                           : on (Turned on now)
commitment                      : try
trigger                         : volume
target_free_space               : 20%
delete_order                    : oldest_first
defer_delete                    : user_created
prefix                          : (not specified)
destroy_list                    : none

(vol autosize)
Volume autosize is currently ON for volume ‘nsm_san’. (Enabled now also)
The volume is set to grow to a maximum of 24 MB, in increments of 1 MB.

(vol options)
nosnap=on, nosnapdir=off, minra=off, no_atime_update=off, nvfail=off,
ignore_inconsistent=off, snapmirrored=off, create_ucode=on,
convert_ucode=on, maxdirsize=62914, schedsnapname=ordinal,
fs_size_fixed=off, compression=off, guarantee=volume, svo_enable=off,
svo_checksum=off, svo_allow_rman=off, svo_reject_errors=off, no_i2p=on,
fractional_reserve=0, extent=off, try_first=volume_grow,
read_realloc=off, snapshot_clone_dependency=off


So, I don’t know about you, but this is pretty damn cool! The coolest bits are – when  I want to create volumes and I don’t want to look up the Best Practices for Vol auto growth and snap auto-deletion, I don’t need to now! Hooray!

ZOMG NSM (NetApp System Manager) does snapshot size!

Yea, I know I just wrote this post yesterday NetApp System Manager (NSM) 1.0 FCS Released! DOWNLOAD NOWZ! and my good friend Steve also released this on the NetApp Blogs:  NetApp System Manager 1.0

But while demoing this to some folks who hadn’t seen it before I noticed something I completely overlooked before!

Snapshot Sizes

To which I immediately stated “ZOMG! This is cool!” Seriously.  How often have you been in the scenario of wanting/needing to know how much space you’d reclaim from purging a snapshot – Now it’s even easier! ZOMG! WOOHOO! etc. :)

Not to mention there is this super cool Deduplication visual as well!

Deduplication Savings

The section on the left is “Before” deduplication, and the right is “After”

There is so much more in here that is so cool, but I had to call out these two things, because wow! Just Wow! That’s so cool!

NetApp System Manager (NSM) 1.0 FCS Released! DOWNLOAD NOWZ!

NetApp® System Manager 1.0 – Download

Wow, seriously! The NSM (NetApp System Manager) is now available for public consumption! Yes that means you! The public!

Where do I get it? – Login to and scroll down in your downloads list and look for “System Manager” like I have shown below!


So, what are the really cool things you can do in the NSM? Let’s take a look!


Here is an look at what systems I am managing – Oh look! It paired my clusters, oh my! :)

Over on the right side, when you have your cluster selected you’ll see four sections, Properties, Performance, Notifications and Reminders



If you click on the little Arrows you will get taken into detail of that particular entry – So if I select the HA Pair, I’ll get more depth on the HA Pair – Etc! :)






Performance Graphs

I think this is pretty self-explanatory – But what is really cool is – Click the little Arrow and…!

Performance Numbers 

You get the same information, but in numbers instead of little graphs! So pretty cool!


Various notifications will appear here – in my case, it happens to be License notifications – This lab box has a couple of expired Eval Licenses – So now you’ll be able to see this at a glance!


And the last high-level point is Reminders! In this case, it would appear I have disks to assign!

Going back to the main cluster overview – You can also drill down into some depth on specific filers! Here are the main sections! Storage, Configuration, Diagnostics and A/A Config!


Each of these sections have some pretty cool things you can do, and are fairly straight forward

Storage Configuration Diagnostics

And lastly the Active/Active Settings!

Active/Active Settings

I’m not going to go into too much because you can find it yourself when you install the tool, but one thing I wanted to point out which is pretty cool is the Deduplication option! – If you click on Volumes you will be able to start Deduplication right there from the GUI!

Or from a Volume itself..

Deduplication on Volumes!

So, I won’t bore you too much on the details, but feel free to drill down, ask any questions, check out the NetApp Communities where this will be discussed and this blog and twitter! :)

Oh, and don’t forget to download it! :)

New NetApp Software Releases on NOW!

Wow! Today was quite a massive release of softwares!   So much so, here is a breakdown of what I saw announced for download today! (Hopefully this is all public downloads and I’m not saying something wrong… grin)

SnapDrive for Windows 6.1
Rapid Cloning Utility 2.0 (VMware)See a Demo of it here on YouTube
SnapManager for Oracle Unix 3.0.1
SnapManager for Oracle Windows 3.0.1
SnapManager for SAP Unix 3.0.1
SnapManager for SAP Windows 3.0.1

These are all FCS releases, but if you’ve been waiting for some of them (like me – SD6.1, RCU) it is a wait well awaited :)

NetApp Certification online tests at Prometric? (Free?!)

Wait, what’s this? I thought these tests were only available at the Prometric Testing Center!

Apparently I am wrong! and just by visiting this site, I’m able to take online tests at Prometric!

Infact, there’s even a whole list of other companies for online testing here as well :)

Serial # Test Name Pass


NetApp Accredited Installation Professional



NetApp Accredited Sales Professional



NetApp Accredited Sales Professional (J)



NetApp Accredited Storage Architect Professional



NetApp Accredited Storage Architect Professional(J)



NetApp Accredited Support Engineer Level 1

  Server Virtualization Accredited Professional  


SVAP: Core Virtualization Technology



SVAP for VMware



SVAP for Citrix XenServer



SVAP for Hyper-V


These exams (as far as I can tell) are Free so long as you pass it the first time! If you fail, it sits at $50.00 for the retake, so I suggest not failing :)