A blog to remember

I’ve posted about some NetApp blogs before – Wait, I’m doing it again!

While there are the best of breed blogs which you can easily find here:


There are also some additional ones in our Communities.


So, I encourage you to check out the Community Blogs as well as the community as a whole.  It’s a great resource to ask questions, answer questions and find out all-round general incite into what is going on here, there, and everywhere!



Oh, and don’t forget about that Accelerate conference! :)

Registration is key!


ONTAP 7.3: SNMPv3 Supported, DFM 3.7: SNMPv3 Supported!

So, I mentioned before that SNMPv3 is supported.  But what does this really mean, and how does this help me?

Here in the release notes we cite "SNMPv3 supported"

  • Support for snmpbulkwalk providing all leaves in an SNMP tree with a single query
  • Support for snmpbulkget collecting all leaves in an SNMP tree with a single query
  • Counter64-Based MIBs, resulting in error reduction!
  • And Auth no privacy with MD5!

Configuring DFM has never been so easily as documented in the Operations Guide.

The best part being, you can do an all-inclusive or individual selection of who you’ll be monitoring via SNMPv3.  (In my environment for testing, I have some filers not running 7.3, so I have those configured via SNMPv2 and the rest of my 7.3’s with SNMPv3) Works like a champ!

There are a number of reasons to upgrade to 7.3, and for those security conscious folks, this is just another one!

What is in a blog (NetApp Blogs)

Here at NetApp we have a number of veterans, experts, masters and well – extremely knowledgeable and smart people.

Now without having to sort through the text and descriptions of the NetApp blog page – You can just click on a random picture and get to the goods! :)

I like this approach myself, because that visual journey makes decisions that much easier! :)

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And one more to the docket – Recently added!


NetApp releases Data ONTAP 7.3 GA!!!

Yep, that’s right, you heard it!
7.3 is finally released! no more release candidate, etc!

What does this mean, in the grand scheme of things?
NFSv4 support which will rock the house in a number of fashions.
SNMPv3 support for my more “secure” zones, to be managed by Operations Manager 3.7
Faster, more efficient operation for a number of things in the system!
It’ll run faster, hooray!

I know there a boatload of changes, too many to even cover – so for reference I’ll link myself back to the release notes!

Data ONTAP 7.3 Release Notes

This is definitely good times, I’ll be upgrading my home filer (FAS940), and my lab early tomorrow morning!