Trika will you marry me! Err… MDOP has more Codes! (70-656)

If you read what I said before about Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack exam (70-656), well the vouchers DID run out.  That DID happen.  However, thanks to Trika! We now have more vouchers!



So, back to referencing all the goodness


Pass the Exam & Get the Goods!

How do you join the MDOP Charter Membership Program? It’s easy! All you have to do is take and pass the 70-656 Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, Configuring Exam…but there’s a catch…

…only the first 200 IT Pros who pass the 70-656 Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, Configuring Exam will be MDOP Charter Members who receive the exclusive MDOP Charter Member jacket and award!

Visit the MDOP Charter Program site for details, including Training plans!

So, thank you Trika for all of your help and helping grow the certification community!

Special thanks to Dan Rey for raising the flare about this, and our good friends at the MDOP Charter Program! Also, thanks to Trika for announcing the MDOP Program on her blog!

70-113 Post Mortem: TS Windows Server 2008 (Performance|Pilot)

Let me start off with a warning about this exam.

This test is not available everywhere, and for good reason.   It is a complicated exam which launches a Real Virtual Lab environment which is run off of a server across the Internet.

The key word there being "Internet", which this often implies not having Routing issues, connection problems, speed, latency (Lag) and other client to server remote connection issues.

Lets just say, I ran into some of those issues – And you might as well.   I went in with an expectation to potentially have some problems.  Exam launched, Click connect to visit the lab and BAM – no connection.   3 hours later of them ‘resetting the exam‘ I was then able to connect into the server.   Sadly I did not have the amount of time to fully take advantage of the exam, but I did have the opportunity to read, review and comment.

The labs are interesting, it’s a true server (help files and all) and command line and other decisions and exploitations and choices you’d make on a server host.   But beware.

I encountered all that I mentioned, lag, connection issues, delay, and a slew of other ‘technical’ issues which can happen to anyone.   Great exam for what it is worth (and I commented away based upon the content and delivery) But do approach this Pilot with an expectation that you MAY encounter issues.   Prometric CAN work them out, but the Helpdesk will likely have no idea what is going on and what to do (Hopefully this 3 hour ‘lesson’ will prepare them for the next person who takes it)

Good luck, and Good Testing!

71-654 Post Mortem: TS EBS 2008 (re: very morbid)

Well, if you recall the last time I took a test, I reported it was "Amazing", though I cannot declare the same feelings for this particular exam.

On the surface, there was nothing wrong with this exam, yet in the same gesture there was also nothing right about it.  I’m not judging the content as it was delivered free of most complaints I typically comment about on exams.    No, this was something different, something else.   The kind of something only that of an infrastructure, architectural geek wouldn’t get.

The Server Unleashed

Two weeks in the trenches working with EBS and this particular exam will be a godsend to you.  You’ll be prepared, ready and set to deliver.   The same could be said though of someone who has never touched anything else outside of EBS.


But opening the doorway to SBS, if you’ve ever touched a "real server", and happen to be a command line guy, you’ll find SBS, EBS and this particular exam to be considerably frustrating.  Now don’t get me wrong! I’m not knocking EBS, or SBS.  I’m just letting you know, if you’re not that guy, this is not the test for you.

Know your product, know the in’s, the out’s and you’ll do fine.   But this is not an exam to think outside the box.

 You’ve been warned!

Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack Charter! (70-656)


Take the MDOP Challenge!

We’ve been challenged to charter ourselves to take, pass and Win!


Pass the Exam & Get the Goods!

How do you join the MDOP Charter Membership Program? It’s easy! All you have to do is take and pass the 70-656 Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, Configuring Exam…but there’s a catch…

…only the first 200 IT Pros who pass the 70-656 Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack, Configuring Exam will be MDOP Charter Members who receive the exclusive MDOP Charter Member jacket and award!


The MDOP Charter Membership program is open to any IT Professional – so you better move FAST if you want to be the first to get Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) insider updates, exclusive content, and great MDOP Charter Member SWAG.

Plus, the exam is FREE for the first 500 IT Pros who take the exam through Prometric. Just enter “MDOP” as a promotion code when you register on the Prometric Web site.

Special thanks to Dan Rey for raising the flare about this, and our good friends at the MDOP Charter Program!

Visit the MDOP Charter Program site for details, including Training plans!

Cisco introduces "Come Back" program and price hikes!


First the Good News!

Take a Risk-Free Exam with Cisco’s Come Back Program!

Cisco and Pearson VUE have partnered to give networking professionals the opportunity to re-invest in their careers with the Cisco “Come Back” program, but this offer expires soon. You may have let your Cisco certification lapse, but now’s a great time to come back.

Register now to take any Cisco certification exam at the regular price, and—if you need it—you’ll get a retake exam for FREE!*. Both exams must be taken before this offer expires on October 15, 2008, so it’s important that you schedule your exam soon, in order to allow adequate time for you to take advantage of the free retake.

Visit for more details or to schedule your Cisco exam.

Wishing you the best on your career investment,
Cisco Career Certifications

*Both the full price and free “Come Back” exams must be taken between April 15, 2008, and October 15, 2008.  The free exam must be the same exam number as the exam you failed.

And for the Bad News….!

You’re going to need it.

It’s one thing that in September of 2007, Cisco raised prices on the exams above what they were at the time – Account for the 09/2007 changes of:

  • CCNA Composite – $150
  • CCNP/CCDP Composite – $225
  • ICND 1/2 – $125
  • CCIE Written – $315
  • CCIE Lab – $1400

But now this they drop this bomb shell on us, in June 2008 of this year!

  • CCNA Exam – $250 —– 67% increase
  • CCNP/CCDP – $300 —– 34% increase
  • CCIE Written – $350 —- 12% increase

This leads me to wonder if this is the price of security in their certification process.

It’s nice to see they’ve introduced this "Our exams are expensive so you have a chance to retake if you fail for a few months"  It’s a shame they didn’t take a page from Microsoft’s book and give you a TAD more time for this Second Shot at an exam.