Alright, so maybe I won’t be attending The Container Store’s “Storage World” though wouldn’t that be so exciting? No, but I will be attending Gestalt IT’s Tech Field Day series; Storage Field Day 7!
(Wow that’s a mouthful! :))
For those of you wondering what Storage Field Day is about, check out my last blog post on the subject which was for Virtualization Field Day; Why yes I’ll be a Delegate at Virtualization Field Day 4! #VFD4 and I’ll also elaborate out a bit!
At this wondrous event there will be an interesting sampling of Storage Companies who will be there to talk to us about something in their portfolio…


I’ll be honest… when you copy their logos… and then cast it against a black background, it doesn’t look as they intended… :)
So now that we know what Vendors will be there… Who’s going to be there casting the brunt of attacks, err I mean deeply technical and insightful questioning which will bring even the most experienced presenter to tears?

Arjan Timmerman |
@ArjanTim |
Virtualization lover by day, Storage admirer by night |

Chris M Evans |
@ChrisMEvans |
Chris is a UK-based consultant with an interest in all technologies, focusing on storage, virtualisation and cloud. |
Dan Frith |
@PenguinPunk |
I like punk rock and storage arrays. |

Dave Henry |
@DaveMHenry |
Engineer and gadget guy, focused on storage and virtualization. |

Enrico Signoretti |
@ESignoretti |
An IT consultant, entrepreneur and passionate blogger at (not necessarily in that order). |

Howard Marks |
@DeepStorageNet |
Storage Analyst Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary |

Keith Townsend |
@VirtualizedGeek |
Keith Townsend is the founder of and is an IT management consultant with more than 15 years of related experience. |

Mark May |
@CincyStorage |
Storage expert, unix curmudgeon, IT nerd, and sporadic blogger |

Ray Lucchesi |
@RayLucchesi |
Ray Lucchesi is president of Silverton Consulting, blogs at, co-hosts podcast and has worked in data storage for over 30 years mostly in marketing and engineering new disk and tape automation products. |

Vipin V. K. |
@VipinVK111 |
Blogger, storage specialist and simple always. |
Christopher Kusek |
@cxi |
CTO at @Xiologix – EVP of Engineering, Technology Evangelist, vExpert, EMC Elect, BDA, CISSP, MCT, Cloud, Ninja, Vegan, Single, Father, Cat, Humorist, Author |
And I’m sure for those of you who have watched it and seen what comes out of it, it’s not all just really funny or very offensive memes… It’s also deep DEEP insightful connections which helps draw parallels and visibility into aspects of technology and industry like no other.
Or… if you just like the meme’s.. then yes, it is just memes. :)
And of course a hearty thanks go out to the Event Staff who make this possible, the beautiful Stephen Foskett @SFoskett and the dashing Tom Hollingsworth @NetworkingNerd and the effervescent Clare Chaplais @CChaplais
So check it out as I know you will, not to mention the deeply grueling and intensive times I know I’ll be giving the vendors because I’ve been one and I know what it’s like ;) And be sure to check out the numerous blogs coming!