SocialToo takes Social Responsibility for DM Spam on Twitter
You ever wake up to look at your tweet and come across this type of completely insincere DM?
This would be great if my name were infact John, but it isn’t. And this is sheer spam!
Well, @jesse has taken SocialToo to a new level by taking responsibility to not promote the sending of DM Spam. As Twitter grows at the exponential rates it is, vehicles to manage this relationship between real sincere users and fake autobots had to be taken somewhere. I’m glad to see Jesse step up on this issue. @louisgray has great coverage of this as well, as an advisor to the Socialtoo team and other boards, his knowledge and skill really provides context for these type of situations.
One of the greatest pieces of this, is as Jesse puts it:
In addition, starting today, while you will no longer have need for blocking SocialToo users’ automated DMs, we encourage you to invite all your friends to come check the same option you were using to block SocialToo DMs, and we’ll block other sites that do automated-dms. If you provide your Twitter username and password (this is required because other services require it – it will be via OAuth in the near future) and check the box, “Turn off automatic Direct Messages from other services?“, we’ll set you up to block DMs from as many services that do this as we can, automatically.
So, if you don’t like to get Auto-DM Spam, whether it WAS from Socialtoo, or from other third party services – subscribing to SocialToo, a responsible social service is the way to go.
I wish you all the best on this, and John you can remove your own Bubble of Spam like this ;)
Louis Gray
Thanks for the write-up, Christopher. As you know doubt know, removing features can be a double-edged sword, so we discussed this a great deal before it went live, but I think Jesse is doing the right thing.