Archives 2014

Why yes I’ll be a Delegate at Virtualization Field Day 4! #VFD4

Virtualization Field Day! #VFD4

Well, we knew this day would come and lo and behold it is finally here.  For those who don’t know Tech Field Day is an event which brings together Independent Industry Thought Leaders with IT Vendors with interesting, innovative or otherwise compelling products to discuss.   The Delegates are bloggers, speakers, writers, podcasters and otherwise those who have a social presence with great influence on the products and companies as perceived by IT Practitioners.

We never knew if I’d ever make it as a Delegate because one of the ‘rules’ since its inception is simply… You cannot be a vendor.   Well, with the exception of the past two years in Afghanistan (couldn’t get away to delegate, so to speak :)) I was as Vendor as you could get with NetApp and EMC.   So finally, It’s here! I’m not only officially a delegate but I’m officially back into the game of an independent thought leader… The kind who likes to take things to the EXTREME to understand them and ensure I’m providing the most accurate picture of whatever I am talking about!

What are the details for Virtualization Tech Field Day 4?!

This ought to be fun.  January 14th through the 16th in Austin, TX we will be going toe to toe with numerous vendors!


I’ll be honest… the capturing of these company images kind of sucks, but it is what it is. At least they’re clickable! <3

But the best part, next to the vendors themselves honestly, has to be the various Delegates. I mean c’mon these are rockstars in their own right and it’s not a companies product which is as valuable as the insight these Delegates offer.

Amit Panchal @AmitPanchal76 Technical IT Manager and blogger at
Amy Manley @WyrdGirl 12 years in IT, vExpert and an automation junkie
Christopher Kusek @cxi CTO at @Xiologix – EVP of Engineering, Technology Evangelist, vExpert, EMC Elect, BDA, CISSP, MCT, Cloud, Ninja, Vegan, Single, Father, Cat, Humorist, Author
Emad Younis @Emad_Younis Emad is a datacenter enthusiast, 2 x vExpert, and blogger @
James Green @JDGreen James is an independent blogger at, a 2014 vExpert, and works as a virtualization consultant in the Midwest.
Jeff Wilson @Agnostic_Node1 Passionate yet disciplined virtualization & storage engineer in the SME market.
Julian Wood @Julian_Wood Julian is a London based enterprise infrasstructure architect and blogger.
Justin Warren @JPWarren Justin is a consultant and freelance journalist who enjoys coding in Python and words that are fun to say, like ‘llama’ and ‘shenanigans’.
Larry Smith @MrLESmithJr 19 yrs. in IT | 11 yrs. VMware virtualization | VMware NSX Nut
Marco Broeken @MBroeken Dutch Virtualization Admirer and DaaS Lover, Blogger at
Matt Simmons @StandaloneSA Small Infrastructure IT Administrator in Academia
Mike Preston @MWPreston 3 x vExpert, blogger @ and typical Canadian eh!


It will be a pretty busy schedule, but we’ll stay on top of it!


And of course a hearty thanks go out to the Event Staff who make this possible, the beautiful Stephen Foskett @SFoskett and the dashing Tom Hollingsworth @NetworkingNerd 

So check it out as I know you will, not to mention the deeply grueling and intensive times I know I’ll be giving the vendors because I’ve been one and I know what it’s like ;) And be sure to check out the numerous blogs coming!

OMG! EMC World Early Bird Discount with Gift (Until 2MAR2015)

EMC World 2014 Hero Image

Wow, wait a minute, whoa, wait, what? It’s not even December yet, heck it’s not even 2015 yet! Yep. You’re quite correct. But between you and I… It’s good to know that EMC World Early Bird discount is available not only now, but until March 2nd, which means you can sit on this awhile without any major rush. :)

EMC World will (of course) be in Las Vegas again this year, May 4th through May 7th.  There’ll be other benefits we’ll announce as we get closer, like free certification, what kind of magical announcements we can ‘expect’, and who knows what else. But for now… we gotta be the early bird getting the proverbial worm so to speak.

Early Bird Gifts:

  • GoPro Hero 3 (White Edition)
  • Sonos Play 1
  • PowerBeats Wireless Headphones
  • “Complimentary” Guest pass to the Wednesday evening event.

I mean some of those gifts sound interesting, the GoPro in particular seems nice. The other ones, eh, I don’t know how  I feel about it… But hey, they’re yours to “choose” from, so to speak :)

Convince Your Boss

If you happen to be hankering to attend but aren’t sure how to make it happen, they have their standard “Convince your Boss” model, whereby you can help well, convince your boss! :)

So get out there and register… you have like 100 days or something to make it happen! :)

Oh… and I’ll see you at EMC World ;)

Are you attending Interface Seattle next week? (4DEC2014)

Interface Seattle

So, I ask the question… Are you going to be attending the Interface Tour in Seattle? I ask selfishly because I will be there, and you know how much I love you all and I’d love to meet up with you! :)

One cool element of this particular conference is that me and my new rockstar home Xiologix are a Gold Sponsor of the event! So that itself is awesome enough reason to check it out, right?!

There are various sessions at the show, and interestingly an accredited model for earning CPEs which is really useful for you CISSP, CASP, or other kinds of folks needing to maintain some sense of Continuing Education.

My favorite part however will be the opportunity to discuss with ya’ll next generation data-center type things and you know how I’m always a fan to solve pretty much any problem, with or without a whiteboard!

So come check it out, especially if you’re already in the Pacific Northwest area! <3  Here’s an Invitation for the event to check it out!

One week left to nominate a Non-Profit in the Nutanix DataCenter Makeover! (Closes 21NOV2014)

Nutanix Web-Scale Wish - Non-Profit DataCenter Makeover!

You ever been like, “Man, I wish more organizations would help out non-profits” Well, guess what. Nutanix is. :)

So let’s break it down a bit! in the event that you find yourself too busy to actually click on their site and want the details!

Submission Period (October 15 – November 21, 2014)

  • Anyone can nominate a non-profit to participate! To qualify, the organization must:
    • Be a non-profit, non-partisan organization located in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or the United Kingdom
    • Have a currently working datacenter that could benefit from web-scale converged infrastructure
    • Be able to complete and meet Environment Assessment criteria. Read the full terms & conditions

Judging Period (November 21 – December 10, 2014)

  • A panel of community judges will select the top three finalists.

Voting Day (December 10, 2014)

  • Watch the virtual event on December 10th to hear from the three finalists and cast your vote to determine the winner!
  • Voting will be open to the public for 24 hours.

Winner Announced! (December 11, 2014)

  • The Grand Prize winner will receive a Web-Scale Datacenter Makeover, implemented in 48 hours by a Nutanix team!


The Grand Prize Package

  • NX-3350
  • 3 Ultimate Software Licenses
  • 3 Years of Support
  • 2-Day Installation Services
  • One organization will receive a 48-Hour Web-Scale Datacenter Makeover, implemented by a Nutanix team!

Two Finalist Packages

  • NX-1350
  • 3 Ultimate Software Licenses
  • 3 Years of Support

Nominate & Get a T-Shirt!

  • Exclusively for Web-Scale Wish participants

So get out there, with this last week left and sign up, nominate, win a shirt and help out a non-profit! <3

The VCP-NV is your ticket to escaping the VCP “Class requirement” for VCP-DCV!

#Update# This is no longer valid – Please check out my #AsteriskGate post for details;

VMware feels the ‘pinch’ and “invalidates” the VCP-NV as a “valid VCP Certification” #AsteriskGate


So you’re a long time virtualization user. You’ve worked with the systems, you love VMware! (You might even have a bumper sticker on your laptop stating as such) Yet… You never got your VCP.

What?! Why aren’t you a VCP?

This is a problem which plagues many an Admin who will often be multi-skilled and can justify the $225 price-tag to take the exam but whose employer will NOT pay for you to be away from the office, nor the hefty price tag often associated with the VCP course itself.  Yea, we get that, so what?!

The VCP-NV will be your savior! (Until 28FEB2015)

VMware Certified Professional - Network Virtualization

So for those of you who are familiar, VMware has introduced the VCP Network Virtualization an exam which is focused heavily on the Nicira product (Named NSX, and occasionally vCNS related stuff for you vCloudy’s out there!)  Also for a limited time they have introduced a unique ‘program’ with this which is…

If you have a Valid CCNA Data Center or CCNA Routing & Switching or CCNP Data Center or CCNP Routing & Switching certification you are eligible to take the VCP-NX without having to have a classroom requirement! Full details can be found at VMware’s site here on the VCP-NV.

Wait, how does this help me with my VCP-DCV?!

I knew you were going to ask that question.  Well, take a journey with me, shall we?

  1. Earn your CCNA Routing and Switching (It’s the cheapest of the options available)
    1. (Unless you already have a CCNA R&S then you’re on the way!)
  2. Submit verification of Cisco Certification to VMware (Details here)
  3. Study for and pass the VCP-NX
  4. Now you’re officially a VCP, which grandfathers you into the ability to pass ANY VCP Exam and earn the VCP designation without classroom requirement!
  5. Schedule and pass the VCP-DCV (and/or VCP-DT, VCP-Cloud)
    1. If you schedule your exam BEFORE 1JAN2015 you can use VCPRECERT25 for 25% off! (See link)
    2. If you schedule your exam BEFORE 19DEC2014 and are located in APJ/APAC get 50% off! (See Link)

Some of you might feel this is a lot of work. I don’t think any of us didn’t say it WAS, however it is also NOT having to take the classroom requirement and get around this little issue which quite frankly is awesome! :)  For a lot of us, it is really about principle and anything we can do to avoid an arbitrary classroom will work, that and in many cases it is quite cheaper AND expands your possible horizons! <3