Increasing your Microsoft Certification Discount from 10% to 20%

So, I discussed this before in a few places, but just incase we forgot! Act now or forever lose your Microsoft Certification discount!, Getting Microsoft Certified in the United Arab Emirates! and Certification and MeasureUp Discounts 20% off Certs!

Well, in these past posts, I discussed that there were a finite number of countries whereby the 20% off discount would apply.  I did have a spreadsheet I generated and kept on hand.. but instead of sharing the entire spreadsheet I’m only going to include the countries which *today* offer the 20% off discount before they all fall into 10% only discounts.  The important lesson here is: If you live in one of these countries where 20% is available, let me know and I’ll be sure to get you the 20% off voucher before we all lose it forever!



That’s right! If you live, test and certify in one of these countries above, let me know and I’ll be sure to get you some vouchers! You must let me know before August 27th though, or else I’ll only be able generate 10% vouchers after that point!   And yes I will be generating SOME vouchers to keep on hand for these countries just incase, but it’s better to be safe than sorry and ensure you’re all taken care of!

Act now or forever lose your Microsoft Certification discount!

Good news! Especially for those of you who have checked out these two posts:

Certification and MeasureUp Discounts 20% off Certs! 

Getting Microsoft Certified in the United Arab Emirates!

Unfortunately, there will be some change on the horizon! That 20% will soon become 10% for all vouchers generated after August 27th, 2009!  Fortunately, all vouchers generated BEFORE August 27th, 2009 will still be eligible for their original discount (Which is great for England, US and other 20% off countries! :))

Beginning August 27, 2009, the MCT Rewards exam discount that we offer to students will become 10 percent worldwide. MCT Rewards Discount Vouchers that were issued before this date with the original discount amount remain valid until June 30, 2010.

I’ll generate a number of vouchers to have on hand as applicable, which I’ll definitely take care of for England and the US, and if you have any other countries you want vouchers for… let me know and I’ll be sure to keep them on hand! :)

Getting Microsoft Certified in the United Arab Emirates!

I’m sure you’ve seen my ever so recently posted Microsoft Certification and MeasureUp Discounts 20% off Certs! which talks about how you can get 20% off on Microsoft Certification exams! Cool, right?

Well, there is one misfortune of Safari and it’s ability to actually recognize that I selected ‘u’ and scrolled down to United States – End result? I’ve generated a WHOLE bunch of vouchers for the United Arab Emirates! So if you’re in the United Arab Emirates and are looking for Microsoft Exam Certification discounts (The UAE discount is 10% off) but that’s better than full price!

Let me know and I’ll get you vouchers, and then we all win as you test and pay less!

So, Microsoft certifiers in the UAE! Come on down, let me know! email, comment, message on twitter, whichever! :)

Certification and MeasureUp Discounts 20% off Certs!

For those of you who know me, and I know some of you do very well, you know how much I love education, learning, Certification, and most importantly.. Sharing the goods with everyone else! Well, this situation is no different!

I’m now able to take advantage of this special promotion for MCT’s which allows me to share discount vouchers with you! Discount vouchers to the tune of 10% to 20% off on Certification exams (depending upon the country)

All you need to do is let me know you want a voucher, provide an email address and country (and number of vouchers you’re looking to use) and I can supply that to you! You can reach me on Twitter @cxi, here by a comment, or sending me an email

You have no idea how excited I am to have this opportunity to share with you, so lets take advantage of it, I know I will :)  Below are the details and a brief look at what is available.

Microsoft Certification Exam Discount Voucher

Schedule Your Certification Exam

This voucher is redeemable for one Microsoft Certification Exam delivered at an Authorized Prometric Testing Center™. This voucher expires June 30, 2010. You must take your Microsoft Certification Exam prior to this date


Why you should get certified                                                     Learn more

When you earn a Microsoft Certification, you are demonstrating your knowledge and skills with Microsoft products and technologies, while validating real-world skills and job-related experiences that are used every day. Whether you are new to technology, changing jobs, or a seasoned IT professional, becoming certified helps you prove to peers and employers that you are committed to advancing your skills and that you are a candidate for new opportunities and career growth. Plus, as a Microsoft Certified Professional, you’ll have access to a vibrant, worldwide community of other certified professionals.

Save 40% on a 60 Day Online MeasureUp Practice Test      Learn more

You’ve made a great decision to certify your training and experience. Now make sure you are ready to pass the exam using a MeasureUp Practice Test. MeasureUp Practice Tests questions are written by subject matter experts and designed to test the concepts presented in the actual exam. Performance-based simulations are included in some practice tests as an additional test of the student’s capabilities.

Save 40% now using your voucher number and prepare for certification success.

Proof Points of Certification

Prometric and Microsoft Learning

1 2006 MCP Customer Satisfaction Survey 2 Redmond Magazine’s 2006 survey of compensation for Microsoft IT professionals 3 IDC Study: Value of Certification: Team Certification and Organizational Performance, Nov 2006 This voucher may not be combined with other vouchers and discounts. It is no longer valid after the expiration date; This voucher is nontransferable and is void if altered or revised in any way. It may not be redeemed for cash, credit, or refund and may only be applied towards Microsoft Certification exams. Microsoft ,Prometric™ and Authorized Prometric Testing Centers™ are not responsible for vouchers that are lost or stolen. Any resale of this voucher is expressly prohibited. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Prometric and the Prometric logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Prometric and its affiliated companies.

The fine print:

* Only MCTs can request MCT Rewards Discount Vouchers. You can offer MCT Rewards Discount Vouchers to students who have attended one of your instructor-led classes or one of your colleagues’ classes. You can also offer discount vouchers to people who you reach through your personal network or through your blog, website etc. These vouchers will be personalized and will include your name as the trainer that provided the discount voucher and you will receive points for each redeemed voucher. Please note that MCT Rewards Discount Vouchers may not be resold. Discounts may vary by country. For a list of discounts by country, (let me know ;))

25% off Microsoft Press E-Reference Libraries! (until Jul 23 2009)

Alright, I’ll be frank with you.. I’ve known about this offer for a very long time! I shared it with my User Groups and the like, but because it was still a bit ‘under wraps’ I never shared it with the general public! But that is no more! Here it is! (and yes this was also released in the Microsoft Press newsletter, which is why I’m releasing it now :))

Act Now! 25 Percent Discount on Microsoft Press E-Reference Libraries
The Microsoft Press E-Reference Libraries are a premium online collection of Microsoft Press books, along with a powerful search tool to quickly find the answer, code snippet, or troubleshooting tip that you need. Customize your library with your own bookmarks and notes, and download selected chapters for offline reading. All libraries are a 12-month subscription service.
There are four E-Reference Libraries:

Complete Library Content from Microsoft Press books across Microsoft products and technologies, as well as a wide variety of audiences and levels. More than 600 books are included. Promotional price: $187.50.

Discount code: EREFCOMPLETEC

IT Professional Library Focused on network and system administration topics with over 100 books included. Leading series such as Resource Kit, Administrator’s Companion, Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, and more. Promotional price: $112.50.

Discount code:EREFPROC

Developer Library Content from over 100 books on programming/software development, architecture, testing, security, and other topics. Also includes highly acclaimed expert authors such as Steve McConnell, Charles Petzold, Michael Howard, Dino Esposito, and others. Promotional price: $112.50.

Discount code: EREFDEVC

Desktop Library Focused on topics for business and home users: Office applications, the Windows client operating system, and general business skills. Includes content from over 80 titles, and includes top series such as Step by Step, Inside Out, and Plain and Simple. Promotional price: $37.50.

Discount code: EREFDESKC

Use the promotional codes above to receive your 25 percent discount when purchasing the library(ies) of your choice. Go to to take advantage of this offer. To learn more about what the E-Reference Library can do for you, check out the demo.
Offer ends on Thursday, July 23, 2009—so act now!